This is a handmade 20m Delta Loop Antenna with a built in 4:1 Transformer. This is incredible for POTA, SOTA and other portable/field operations.
Recommended setup is an equilateral triangle with one corner elevated and a flat bottom elevated several feet above the ground which will produce less than a 2.0:1 SWR across the 20m Band. Feed point can either the center or corner of the bottom of the triangle. A tuner may also be used for 17m and even 15m with some performance loss.
The Winder is printed in ASA and can handle the elements but is not intended for long term or permanent outside installation.
Wire if included it is No. 26. Poly-Stealth Antenna Wire. This should be roughly 71’ in length for 20m.
Build instructions for the kit version when available can be found at: tinyurl.com/tufteln